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Need Organic Website Traffic?

Talk to us about your Search Engine Optimization needs

What is SEO?

To put it simply, SEO or search engine optimization is a discipline that involves performing activities to help increase appearance in organic search engine results pages (SERPS). On a Google SERP, the organic section is located just under the paid ads and local or maps sections. This is a highly sought after area of Google’s SERPS because the top three spots generate the majority of clicks and  can also provide free traffic to the owners of those sites. From a marketing perspective SEO in an inbound marketing strategy that focuses on driving leads to marketer versus the marketer reaching out to the customer.


How Does SEO work?

Search engines use algorithms to deliver the most relevant and authoritative content for the end-user on any given topic or subject. With that said, in the world of SEO – “Content is King!”  One of the keys to ranking on a search engine is having good content.  Content must be insightful and also provide a benefit or solution for it’s target audience.  The process of creating good content should begin with proper keyword research. Finding the right keywords for content development is one of the most important and critical steps in the SEO process.  Once keywords have been identified, we can then determine what the SEO strategy and brand message will be.  This is the ground work for developing great content; not only for SEO purposes, but to provide value for it’s intended audience.

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What are the different types of SEO?

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO involves the optimization of a website’s pages, post, media and source code.  The main premise for any of these efforts is to increase relevancy and authority of a website to any given product, service or subject.  The on-page SEO process begins with keyword research and content development.  Once this step has been completed, site architecture, header tags, alt tags and meta descriptions are then developed around the written website copy.  

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the practice of optimizing a website’s overall speed, performance and indexability.  Performing a search on Google deploys software programs called “spiders”. These spiders retrieve an index of the entire web and then follow links connected to those indexed pages.  Google’s Rankbrain then determines which of those pages has the best loading speed, crawlability, indexability, relevancy, quality and a total of 200+ ranking factors.   This determines which content appears first.

What is Off-Page SEO?

While having a technically sound website is hugely important, some would argue that off-Page SEO is equally if not more important. For many, off-page SEO exclusively involves link building activities, but the truth of the matter is that its reach goes far beyond this. Off-page SEO should include sending a wide array of signals from sources outside of your website.  These signals include submissions to citation aggregators, social media, forums, blog post, videos and other sources.  

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Lets Us Help You Unlock The Code to Better Search Engine Rankings

On-page SEO

We have a proven and measurable process that yeilds great results no matter the search terms you want to rank for.

Technical SEO

We have the skill and know-how to make your site lightning fast, secure and technically sound.  

Off-page SEO

We can implement the perfect strategy to support your website’s content and keep your business top-of-mind with prospects and customers.