Custom Website Design & Development
Custom website design using the world’s leading CMS
What is Custom website design?
Custom website design is a discipline that incorporates a wide array of computer, software and tech related skills. To properly design and develop a custom website starts with a good content management system (CMS), site structure, graphic design, copy writing, user experience (UX), technical SEO and the list goes on and on… Here at Gadgetlesstech this is what we do – We create custom website designs using best practices, tons of creativity and the latest in cutting-edge technology and design techniques.
When you hire us, you can be confident that your website will not only be technically sound, but creatively unique and unlike any of your competitors as well. Many website designers use templates to create their sites. This often results in vanilla, cookie-cutter looking websites that look like many others. Here we build our sites from the ground up. We pride ourselves in giving your business the one of a kind website that is unlike any of your competitors.
What is a content management system?
A content management system or CMS is the most critical component of the web design process. A CMS is used to manage the creation, publication and indexing of digital content. This includes a website’s graphics, text, images, audio, video and code. With most platforms, content can be managed on both the “back-end” and “front-end”. The back-end requires more technical know-how, while the front-end of most content systems are fairly easy to use. The front-end of most CMS platforms require little to no technical knowledge to add, modify, and remove website content.
There are many types of content management systems in use today; however, we build our websites using the WordPress CMS. This framework was used to power more than 26% of the entire web in 2018. When we take a further look at that number, that equates to 75,000,000 websites according to netcraft.
Used by the worlds leading companies
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What is Responsive Web Design?
A website that includes Responsive Web Design uses cascading style sheet queries, flexible images and layouts. The purpose of building responsive design websites is for a website to adjust to any screen size or orientation without the need for the user to manually make adjustments. Here at Gadgetlesstech all of the websites we create are responsive design. with mobile accounting for an equal and if not greater share of website traffic, we build “mobile first” to accommodate with a strong emphasis on site speed. It’s fairly easy to build a blazing-fast static website with flat icons. At Gadgetlesstech we prefer to build you a super-fast site that is animated with lots of great images to wow and amaze. Contact us today to get a no obligation quote.
Book a design meeting with us today!